Taster Sessions

What the point of

a Taster Session?

Is it the Right Choice? 


Getting the most from Growth Leaders requires commitment, so we want to make sure you’re happy it’s the right choice for you. Coming to a taster session gives you a chance to try it out, meet other leaders and see how the sessions work.


A Taster Session is a perfect opportunity to work out:


  1. If Growth Leaders is a good fit for where you and your business are at right now

  2. Measure up your business against the practices successful companies invariably have in place to underpin their growth - and see where there’s room for improvement

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The Experience 
Each session lasts for two hours, when you’ll get to experience what happens at a typical Growth Leaders session, meet and interact with some of people you’d be working alongside.

You’ll explore what best practice looks like in a few areas and benchmark your progress against it. 

By the end, you’ll have some strong indicators of where you’re doing well and what areas need working on.
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Benchmark your Progress

  • Goal setting
  • Staff accountability
  • Monitoring output across the business/teams
  • Staying on track
  • Customers and Sales
  • Value and marketing, etc..


Let's Talk!

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You’ll also spend time looking at the big challenges you face right now.
We’ll ask one or two people to share theirs and invite the group to find possible solutions to them. Its great way to explore how effectively a peer group can generate valuable answers to immediate problems, in no time.
So, regardless whether you join Growth Leaders or not, you’ll have something concrete to take away with you